What will gas service cost?

For Washington Properties

Your gas availability search resulted in an answer of Yes.

Depending on the location of your house or structure, pricing may vary. For some installations, a site visit will be required to determine pricing.  Please contact a NW Natural Representative for more details.

Note: Final costs will be determined at the time you place your order and extraordinary construction may result in additional costs.


Your situation

You are building a new single family residence on a vacant lot within an existing neighborhood.

Your property is eligible for service because the following appears to be true:

  • You have a gas main in an acceptable range to your property
  • The gas main serving this home is classified as a standard gas main type
  • Your property is not on an arterial such as a four-lane street or state highway
  • You are using approved conduit to provide the pathway for service on the property per tariff requirements


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