Oregon tariff changes:
NWN OPUC Advice No. 23-30: General Rate Revision
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-04: Schedule 172 - Requests for Amortization of Intervenor Funding
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-07 – Schedule 188 – Industrial Demand Side Management (DSM) Program
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-10 – Schedule 177 – Oregon Corporate Activity Tax
NWN OPUC No. Advice 24-11 – Schedule 168 – Amortization of Net Curtailment and Entitlement Revenues
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-13: Schedule 166 - Residential Rate Mitigation
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-13A: Schedule 166 - Residential Rate Mitigation (Replacement Filing)
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-15: Schedule 173 – Adjustment for COVID Programs Cost Recovery
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-17: Schedule 198 – Renewable Natural Gas Adjustment Mechanism
NWN OPUC Advice No. 24-18: Schedule 187 – Special Rate Adjustment for Mist Capacity Recall
Oregon active matters:
No active Oregon matters at this time.
Oregon tariff book
Washington tariff changes:
NWN WUTC Advice 24-05: Schedule 303: Washington Environmental Cost Recovery Mechanism
Washington energy efficiency:
Certain documents made available here are approved by the OPUC and the WUTC. Part or all of these documents are subject to change without prior notice. NW Natural does not warrant the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of any information in this public access system, and shall not be liable for any losses caused by such reliance on the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of such information. Portions of such information may be incorrect or not current. Any person who relies on any information obtained from this system does so at his or her own risk.