NW Natural currently works with more than 3,000 vendors that supply us with materials and services. Purchasing quality products that are competitively priced allows us to provide our customers with safe, reliable and affordable service throughout our service territory in Oregon and Southwest Washington.
We actively work to expand the diversity of our supplier network, reaching out to businesses owned by minorities, women, veterans and other traditionally disadvantaged groups. 
We also seek to do business with companies, organizations and service providers that align with and support our core values, including environmental stewardship and a commitment to sustainability. 
Sustainable purchasing means that we strive to work with suppliers, and to procure products and services that deliver value and generate benefit – not just for NW Natural, but for the environment, society, and the economy.

If you are interested in providing goods and/or services to NW Natural, we ask that you read through our Supplier Code of Ethics. We expect our suppliers to conduct business in accordance with our Supplier Code of Ethics while working with us.